전공 | 기간 | 개강일 | 학기당 학비 |
Arts and Education | 2 or 3 semesters | 4월 29일 7월 2일 3 semesters 9월 21일 2 semesters | 약 270만원 |
Business and Management | |||
Engineering | 약 320만원 | ||
Science | 약 310만원 |
*average excludes religion & national language
* Arts and Education
•Average Grade of 80% - 85% or Grade B in 6 Academic subjects. C in Maths (to be included in the average)
* Business and Management
•Average Grade of 80% - 85% or Grade B in 6 Academic subjects. B in Maths (to be included in the average)
* Engineering
•Average Grade of 80% - 85% or Grade B in 6 Academic subjects. B in Maths, Physics and Chemistry (to be included in the average)
* Science
•Average Grade of 80% - 85% or Grade B in 5 Academic subjects. B in Maths and a Science subject (to be included in the average)